
Why Cardio?

Cardio. For some it is a passion, for others it is just a scary word. However, cardiovascular training is a key component that should not be left out of your fitness program.
Cardiovascular training is any movement that increases heart rate and blood circulation throughout the body. Regardless of the form, every cardio workout leads to the burning of excess calories. However, in addition to this, there are a number of health benefits to regular cardio training.

  • Improved heart function
    The heart is a muscle and like any other muscle, it needs to be trained to become strong. With each cardio workout you stimulate the heart to work faster and if you do this on a regular basis you contribute to staying in healthy shape.
  • Accelerated metabolism
    In addition to speeding up the heartbeat, cardiovascular exercise helps speed up a number of other processes in your body, namely your metabolism. Accelerated metabolism means easier maintenance of the desired shape, ie losing extra pounds, depending on the case.
  • Improved hormonal profile
    Each cardio exercise releases hormones that reduce appetite, as well as a series of “happiness hormones” (endorphins, dopamine and serotonin) that help relieve the symptoms of depression and fatigue.
  • Improved recovery ability
    Certain types of cardio exercise, usually at a moderate intensity, can lead to a reduction in post-workout recovery time. If you’ve just finished a strenuous session, a lighter form of cardio will help you get rid of the toxins that build up during strenuous exercise. This will help reduce DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness) and bring oxygen-rich blood to the muscle tissue, thereby improving its regeneration and reproduction.
    For you this means that you will be able to continue working on the same muscle groups soon.
  •  Diabetes management
    With each cardio workout, you increase your muscles’ ability to use glucose. Those who exercise regularly tend to have better blood sugar control and do not have as many changes in blood sugar levels as those who do not exercise.
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Yes, you can get rid of cellulite if you are persistent and follow a few important rules:

The sugar in pasta, various types of desserts, chocolates, juices, carbonated drinks, alcohol, etc. is the biggest enemy of your eyes, teeth, blood vessels, pancreas and of course – the appearance of your legs and thighs. Sugar is one of the main causes of cellulite.

2. RUN!
Running is still the best exercise for toning your legs. Just remember to choose a good pair of running shoes and never run on concrete. Running on concrete is a source of many sports injuries. Even if you are fit enough for interval high-intensity training, even better. Practice this often.

Vegetable and berry juices contain highly concentrated fiber and a minimal percentage of calories. The polyphenols and carotenoids contained in these juices have more anti-cellulite properties. Therefore, always make this category of food your first choice.

Your skin is made up mostly of protein. Collagen, which makes your skin firm, and elastin, which makes your skin supple, are proteins. If you avoid protein because you think (for example) meat is bad for you, you will not have enough protein to recover and strengthen your skin.

You can take 40 minutes for anti-cellulite massage where with the help of more intense movements and pressure it leads to increased circulation and suppression of fibrous tissue, both important aspects of cellulite removal.

Contrast shower, ie alternating shower with hot and cold water on the affected parts leads to a significant acceleration of circulation and metabolism. Try it!

In general, a combination of a proper diet (a diet that includes low fat, low carbohydrates, a high percentage of pure protein and vegetables), daily physical activity and intense anti-cellulite massages will help you achieve the desired look of your body.

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Aerobicvs. Anaerobic training

You are probably wondering what kind of training is best to lose weight. If your goal is to reduce fat and also increase fitness, both aerobic and anaerobic exercise are good for you. But what is the difference between them and how do they together bring you to the best shape?

Aerobic and anaerobic are two of the five heart rate zones that are calculated using the estimated maximum heart rate. Each zone offers different benefits. You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220.


Aerobic training

Aerobic exercises are low-intensity exercises, where during the whole training you have enough oxygen supply that is needed to meet the energy requirements needed for this type of training. Aerobic training burns fat, using it as fuel, while strengthening the heart and lungs at the same time.

The aerobic target zone is 70 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate.

For example, if you are a 25-year-old who wants to train at the lower end of this zone, which is 70 percent of your maximum heart rate, that means he has to strive for a pulse of 136 beats per minute to stay in this zone.


Anaerobic Training

In contrast to aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise uses glycogen for fuel instead of fat. Glycogen is a polysaccharide (carbohydrate) of glucose (sugar). During anaerobic training, the body’s demand for oxygen exceeds supply. For this reason these exercises are performed at short intervals. They build muscle mass and burn more calories than aerobic exercise.

The anaerobic zone is 80 to 90 percent of the maximum heart rate. If you are a 25-year-old who wants to train at the lower end of this zone, which is 80 percent of your maximum, then you must aim for a pulse of 156 beats per minute.



The aerobic zone helps to improve the circulation and transport of oxygen to your cells and tissues. In addition it helps to improve the capacity of the lungs. Initially, you may be out of breath in this area as well, but as your body adjusts to this area, it will be easier for you to control your breathing.

The anaerobic heart zone helps build endurance, especially by improving your VO2 max – the maximum amount of oxygen your body can convert into energy.

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Problems and signs that men need to talk about out loud

Men are the hardest to take to the doctor. Numerous studies confirm that as many as 60% of men suffer from pain without consulting a doctor. The scariest thing is that they ignore those signs that can be an alarm for the initial stage of cancer. These are the most suspicious signs that you should not ignore.

Problems urinating

Signs of urinary incontinence, such as frequent urination, difficulty urinating, or a weak urine stream, may be due to an enlarged prostate. The prostate may enlarge due to inflammation or a benign tumor, but enlargement may also be one of the symptoms of prostate cancer. An examination by a urologist will clear all your dilemmas.

Changes in the testicles

Do not forget the testicles. Do a self-examination because testicular cancer develops in a very short time. If you notice any change, lump, weight, talk to a urologist immediately.

Blood in stool / urine

The presence of blood in the stool may be a sign of hemorrhoids, but the fact that bloody stool is one of the symptoms of colon cancer is enough to encourage you to have a routine examination by a gastroenterohepatologist who will decide what to do next. Blood in the urine is also a sign that you should not ignore.

Changes in the oral cavity – especially for smokers

Smokers have a higher risk of oral cancer. If you notice white or red plaques on the mucosa, talk to your doctor and dentist.


Yes. Men are the ones who always delay seeing a doctor, even when they feel pain. If you feel constant pain for more than a month, talk to your doctor. Pain can be a symptom of many cancers, especially when they metastasize.

Sudden weight loss

Sudden weight loss without dieting may be the result of hard work, stress and an irregular diet. It can often be the cause of thyroid problems. Although not a major symptom of cancer, losing 10 pounds can be a warning sign of cancer of the pancreas, abdomen, or lungs.

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The 4 Most Important Training Principles

If you want to get the most out of your workout, you need to follow a few basic training principles:


Put your body under extra stress. This will cause long-term adaptations allowing the body to work more efficiently to deal with this higher level of performance. This principle can be achieved by following the acronym FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type)
Овој принцип може да се постигне со следење на акронимот FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type)

Frequency – increase the number of weekly workouts. If you have been exercising 3 times a week so far, exercise 4 or 5 days a week this week.

Intensity – Increase the weight of the exercise you do. If you have run at 9km / h so far, try the next workout at 12km / h, or if you have worked with a weight of 5kg, try the next workout at 7kg.

Time – Increase the duration of your training. Instead of riding a bike for 30 minutes, simply hold on for the next 45 minutes.

Type – Change the type of exercise. If you’ve mostly done low-intensity exercise before, try high-intensity exercise next time.


If you are a professional athlete, fitness training should be specific to you and your sport. Pay attention to the energy system you mostly use, as well as the fitness skills components that are important to your sport, for example: agility, balance or muscular endurance.


Basically, if you take a break from training, then the achievements you have made will change. So, if you are sick or have a break and do not train for a period of time (even a week), you will probably not be able to continue training at the place where you last stopped.


Try to change the type of training, to give your body a different challenge. Simply replace one workout a week with an hour of yoga or spinning. Remember that change is as good as rest.

If you adhere to these training principles, you can expect results at an enviable level.

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